Monday, October 22, 2012

Give My Heart A Break

Its been a while!

Yea, I've been away for a while, busy handling daily life and work.
Plus, I don't have anything to write.

Today, as I listen to Fly.FM just morning in car while heading to office, it was song by Demi Lovato, "Give Your Heart A Break". Hey, I didn't know the song is so good. So, without waiting any second, I grab my tablet and download the song. Tada, I add the song to my song collection.

The song is somehow mirrors me right now.

I wanna give my heart a break.
Just no love means being single for the meanwhile, because I am some kind of tired. I just wanna spend more time to be with myself, and more time remember The Mighty up there.


and yeah, enjoy this song everybody...
* video is courtesy of DemiLovatoVEVO Youtube's Channel